Sunday, December 23, 2007
Advanced Makeup Games
Merry Christmas, dear friends of the blog.
I wish you a merry Christmas to all those who have read, written, or just had a look at these pages, to all those who have participated in the construction of the school in Africa and all of you that I have been close in these long months.
I hope that 2008 will bring joy and serenity to all of you, your families and loved ones.
And speaking of new year, I also suggest to all of us a purpose for the coming year: a commitment to work more because the blog is pretty quiet lately! What do you think?
congratulated the case and the intentions for the future, I can only think of you, dear Nerdix.
This time I fear that my words will be sad because Christmas without you is very painful and I have many thoughts and memories through my head and that in some way and I want to express.
I begin with a truism, that is telling you that I miss you so much, that you were really the best thing I've had, with the sweet thought that waking up every morning and fall asleep every night for six years now (yes, six years, from the first moment I met you).
I'm trying to remember every moment spent with you is not easy, indeed, is a pain because they are studded with millions of memories at all times and be less painful to drive back all but on the other hand, are what comforts me and comfort when I'm feeling very lonely, remember your smile, your r's dull, your joking, your being unique (they asked me to I do not know how to describe it: it was David, the only incredible David!) and all the thousand small and big things that I loved you, I love you so and I'll love you forever.
Every memory is a pain but has also become a precious treasure to hold on and stay with me in every moment of my life (the best memories, you ask? Surely all our holidays together, but especially in Puglia, in the first place certainly would put the proposal of marriage to Piazza San Marco, with the emotion and excitement that I read in the eyes and most of all struck me).
If today I can deal with it, to force myself to look ahead despite all that's why you have given me over the years and for what you taught me: to love life, to the end, the little things, a sunset, snowfall, sea, an evening with friends, to appreciate what I have: the health, a family, many friends who've sacrificed for me, a job, to have more confidence in myself, not being influenced by adversity but to fight and overcome, to see the world through different eyes: to see the positive side of things and the best in people, to be a bit more optimistic and less grumpy, and I've forwarded your desire to learn, travel, see, know. More than anything I know if I could say something today, it would be to recognize that life has given me: a great love. Just last year at Christmas I wrote that we had to consider ourselves lucky because many people do not know in a lifetime a love so great, well read this letter struck me ... almost as if you would tell me: is it true that we have lost everything but at least for a short period there was, and is already a great thing. And if you go back in time and told me to choose between living with you five years all this suffering and do not know, I'd always be you.
Sure, we had some difficult moments, we have encountered many times, but like you said you always, even being together is a job that requires time, dedication and patience and those critical moments we had passed all getting a good result.
I fight every day against pain and loneliness trying to fight back, I do it because I think of all the times you told me: "Grit your teeth and do not give up, will pass this time" (when the problem was that I had study and was in crisis because I could not see as much as we wanted).
So, love, grit my teeth, you know I'm a strong person and if you give me a hand up there, but this time we'll get together, like all other times.
Finally I thank you for everything you gave me, for all the love, for making me realize that I was really important to you, you were proud of two of us, who loved me and that you know to be loved.
The love that we ourselves did not die with you, I try to make it live anyway, so new and different. Keeping my smile despite the turmoil of feelings inside of me to save the people around me a bit 'of pain, adopting three children from a distance (you know why just three) and in other ways as I invent!
So, dear friends who have had the strength and courage to read and understand what I wrote, which was not pleasant, but now I think there is someone up there happy, not because I'd never said all these things person, in fact, just days before the accident we had spent an evening to talk about us and our future and we had almost said many of the things I wrote, but because I had the courage, confidence and perseverance in spite of my shyness, to declare publicly in the place that most would have appreciated: the famous blog.
So, dear David, I know that these lines are not many, I know that despite having spent several days to write all this, the result is poor, I know you'd really deserved the "Divine Comedy" and poems such as "A Silvia "But being neither Dante nor Leopardi, you have to settle for this.
Now I greet you my love and remember to help me a bit 'more because some days it's really difficult.
yours forever,
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Indoor Basketball Court, Brunswick,nj
would be important for us that is taken into account our adherence to manifestazioned of 24, we represent a generation that did not experience the great battles femminsite, but now living longer than ever in new forms and more complex the "question of women", the "woman question."
we will not dwell, our adsione is short, perhaps a bit 'tight, a few words choking in my throat is dry. We send our contributions anyway.
signing the appeal of the November 24 event violence against women, say:
But physical violence against women is only one aspect of the forms of oppression constantly carried on the female gender.
raped twice when I feel the bruises, the blows and the physical pain, followed by emptiness, loneliness, silence and the silence even of those who see. Even those who know.
I feel raped when at work at least progress is being read as a favoritism toward the weaker sex, or to my sex.
I feel raped when I know that in a context business, political or social to the top is a written heavy, big, bulky, but still invisible with "Men Only".
I feel raped when my space policy corresponds to a share, rose, changing shapes, changing the color, but the pencil is still in the hands of a man.
I feel raped when the only space that is given to women is that of 3x6 commercials, and the female body becomes a tool and weapon in the clutches of the capital.
I feel raped, if 30 years (when he kisses your luck), the employer prior to propose a fixed-term contract asks me if I'm going to have a baby. Attention
maximum response, or I could not be the right person for that contract.
I feel raped, if you are an immigrant woman in Italy and I expect only hard work,
this time in black, sometimes
still underpaid, still at high risk and with feeble safeguards. If it goes bad: the road.
I feel raped if they are in the South, that forced the stench of garbage on the street,
I am 21 years old, studying at university,
work hard, black and exploited, a pizzeria, a bar, a shop and
' horizon is looming in front of me is strangely
gray horizon for a limited
Irma, 21 student Martina
woman, student, 22y.o. lady
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Weekend Cruise From California

Hello everyone!
brings good news for the project to name a school with David in Mauritania. The association in the Desert Children ( told us everything and gave us a way to operate as they pleased to collect the funds. Well, it is with no small satisfaction that the company where he worked to inform you that David has agreed to help, going to cover the difference in what we fail to collect us. In this way we can say with assurance that the project is' FINANCED!
Now it's up to us organize ourselves and try to make that money come to the association by 20 November, to start immediately the construction and equipping of school desks and chairs. So we will inaugurate the institute as early as January 2008. The school will be built with local materials by local builders, so you do not block the local economy and allow those people to give adequate education to their children (now the children in the classroom and sit on the ground in summer, not being insulated roof, classes are suspended because of that you can reach 60 degrees inside the building).
Regarding the "how" this is how we decided to structure the collection:
Manuela Ciuzzo and friends will take care of Turin
I'll have friends in Jos Euroqualità
of friends
On 20 November, I repeat, we have already raised funds and reclaimed the money, so I'll be a bit 'urgent to ask to what extent are the jobs ...
good day everyone!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Buying A Car With Out Of State Driver License
I searched on the net your blog after a mutual friend told me about it smugly on the train returning from an exhausting trip.
I'm glad you opened this discussion space because now I am convinced that in Italy there is a need to talk again a woman! But the real
feminism, one that analyzes and addresses all material obstacles that women are faced with in all the places they are performing their social functions.
I'm tired of the dichotomy: Fashion-savvy women-little-bitch-eat-man VS women stupid-slut-pussy-
I'm tired of being told "thou hast ah balls!" After a good political speech as if it were a natural compliment!
The media company has succeeded in creating this rift between the world of women whom the body perceives it in a "side and latoB likely" and those who feel otherwise, not separated from the rest of herself. Those who view it as a medium, which made available to others, lets get to the top of the social ladder, those who perceive it as that part of yourself that allows you to express your essence, your thoughts, your gestures, your passions, your emotions by deciding with whom you share and how.
Yet I am convinced that there is still a process of self-consciousness of women, which, starting from a joint analysis on how to perceive themselves lead to a more detailed analysis on how the woman must be seen
• the world of work ( an analysis of the flexibility of working time that a woman can not result in instability, 2 analysis on the work-family dilemma for women) in politics •
(dilemma shares rose etc. ..)
The world we live in. is still formed the requirements and ways of looking at men, so for a woman is difficult and tiring to emerge, we must change those paradigms and those needs.
Sorry for the long e-mail, almost a relief, but these issues really excited and I hope I can see us one evening and discuss it face to face, I would be very productive!! A big kiss
PS I am attaching a speech that I wrote on my blog some time ago when the article came out in the Financial Times and sparked a virtual discussion with a lot of my friends also do not politicized but also very passionate about their topics! !
appeal to intelligent women of this country!
ponder ponder .... a guy at the university were allowed to tell me that women should have 30 to choose the right shirt the day of the exam, I laughed at him, then during the session, I found that some 'of my colleagues actually seemed to have not chosen at random t-shirt, then I read with interest the article in the Financial Times on Italian women, entitled "The land that feminism forgot"
Hypothesis: if the model of women serving this country is actually Canalis with her legs wide open, if young girls aspire to that, success in mind, if two degrees and a master's degree is worth less than the lower back
Thesis: nn that will suck in general information, the media like other scepters of power in this country are in the hands of horny men, male, scared by the fact that women able to make everything fit perfectly, from work to family, even if it means more tired of them?
I think the problem is not solved with the dilemma, we propose in talk show, "if a woman Intelligent women should or should not be " where there are people who confuse feminism with antifemminilità or wanting to" masculinization "(you can tell?) woman.
A woman must be female as a man wants to be macho and does everything to be !
The problem is to change the perception that there is in Italy for years that certain patterns are associated with male figures. Let me explain: the politician, the businessman, the head of the Armed Forces, the union Fiom, engineer, economist, all of whom are in Italy and imagine in a suit and tie "with attributes" so it seems ABSURD imagine it with heels and a skirt, when in fact there is nothing special visa that assumes that those who arrive at certain levels to reach the merits and not because of his attributes!
girls do not Famo 'nfinocchià (like say in Rome!), Comes here to win a bit' I appeal to the territories of future engineers, doctors, lawyers, advertising, sociologists, academics, political economists and of course I appeal to intelligent women and women at the same time ... I know that fortunately there are many!
Elena Monticelli, 20, student, woman
Monday, October 29, 2007
What Is The Best Low Glycemic Cold Cereal?
Dear friends,
is an urgent need to organize as soon as a national demonstration against violence women.
The lives of many girls and many women continue to be broken, their intellectual abilities and emotional brutally compromised. Feminicide for 'love' for fathers, boyfriends or former husbands is a disgrace without end that continues to pass as individual deviance. The theme continues to be treated by the media as pure news, endorsing the view that this is something inevitable, as we watch helplessly as a serious setback culture, reinforced by an unprecedented commodification of women's bodies.
numbers, we all know, are impressive:
- More than 14 million Italian women were the object of physical, sexual and psychological violence in their lives.
- Most of this violence come from the partners (as 69.7% of rapes) or from the family
- More than 94% have never been reported. Only in 24.8% of cases the violence was by a stranger, while the average age of the victims
- A million and 400 thousand has been raped before the age of 16.
- Only 18.2% of women consider the violence in the family a 'crime', while 44% the judges simply 'something wrong' and as much as 36% just 'something happened'. (Istat)
Violence against women is historically and socially accepted. Is imposed without distinction of age, color or status and is the worst crime against humanity. What a party against the other. The policies and institutions on the other hand continue to ignore the issue publicly.
Without a cultural battle to defeat once and for all patriarchy and sexism, you can not activate a new pact of coexistence between men and women who would benefit both the word civilization.
A great national event where all women can get back on the square next to the women victims of violence and women's rights, can and must state the central theme of the cultural and political debate.
But it is important to know how many we are, because for many of us feel we should be.
Please sign and spread as much as possible by forwarding this appeal, the site link to friends and associates.
Please follow the updates on the site.
Greetings to all
To support the appeal go to the link appello.html and fill out the form!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Hand Arabic Numbers Palms
More and more I look at him tilting to say, the laughter ... true at the beginning did not believe very much ... but in another version (I do not know if this is the complete one) there is also an interview with the conductor fired!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
What Does All The Colors Of Jelly Braclets Men
is a bit that I wanted to post this link ...
now is a mania! and for those who do not understand .... YOU MUST SEE THE MOVIE OF THE SIMPSONS!
Look here!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Loop Antenna Impedance
note with some regret, that last post was on 12 September.
It 's been over a month and no one, including me, has published nothing more. I do not think the Nerd is very happy with what !......... What do you think?
So, wake up guys, let's do, we do not like all those who arm themselves with good intentions and then do not take them forward.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Is Acne Wash Supposed To Burn?
I was here I was leafing a bit 'file in my computer and here the name of one of these strike me and suddenly I come back two years, maybe something + ... yes, the file was my farewell to Ogame ... the image above will help you remember, that will help people for a year and have spent some sleepless nights to follow the fleet save, attacks, Falanga ... (good times and ....)... Among these people were you nerdix, as always ... I, you, and Zimmah jos ... the cornerstones of seamonkeys ... so why not take a dip into the past to remember those moments!
BIX The player sends the following message circular
Straliani Dear, I'm sorry
give another blow to the morale of the alliance, but unfortunately the holidays have brought consiglio.Come said Jeko good friend, a companion of many battles, the beautiful game is short ... and now is one year that are behind ogame. I'm sorry but I have not had the time before, I can not afford + sleepless nights waiting for a fleet or to check that the phalanx is frutti.Ormai bring her a few months ago that I can not attack anyone now I'm living only for .. and not very fleet divertente.In + add the period of the slack that has affected many straliani, the abandonment of many, almost all who had shared with me the experience of the birth and growth of sea monkeys, revenue alliances in the top100 before the merger with stralis .. and the omelet is fatta.Al are currently on holiday and I think it will go out, but never say mai.Manterrò live account, and who knows, maybe I will be back in a few months I just have the desire healthy, well, the first greeting goes to those who have been part of the sea monkeys and continuing the journey in valorosomente stralis.Un heartfelt thanks to Bepposo, Zlatan QPDM and with whom we completed the merger of the important 2 Stralis alliances that made it great. A reminder to the fighters Zimmer, co-founder of SMFC, Jos, minister of war and nerdix, engineering technology and telecommunications ... and greetings to you all ... you stay straliani fight valiantly and brought up the name stralis.Un of thanks to Alain for all the efforts to keep the alliance together and Jeko for all the attempted attacks in pairs almost never managed (eheheheh) ... but when I could have done damage!
Colonel BIX leave the command. My kingdom has come to an end; that nexusbiciolandia and all its colonies can live forever in the memory of their founder.
soon valiant fighters.
Colonel BIX.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Reviews Portable Digital Tv
Guys, why do not you try to do a few laughs with some names ... I think some may not really exist ... or parents who have called so the children are really direct descendants of the evil ... you read and then tell me!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Stockings And Suspenders Streams
As you can see, the mythical brother, I also I did write about your creature! Even if you
I have always defined Jurassic, I have evolved, and headed toward nerdizzata ........
I must admit I feel a little agitated to write on your blog, but I wanted to inform all those who work that you started looking at me from above (though in reality you did when you were still with us) is as if I had to tell me that do something!
I've always had a strong feeling that you wanted me to say that I had to understand how and why the bloody August 4 last fall you're on your beloved bike.
Well ,.......... I went to a lawyer to whom I showed the pictures of your Honda Hornet 600, Monday morning, an expert expert of the court will direct vision. 'S attorney, spoke by phone this morning, I said it was clear that the forks were sold causing your fall and has already taken steps to send a registered letter to Honda Italy Spa
Now more than ever, I know that was not just a feeling!
I love you and miss you terribly Mythical.
Jos Note: to read the spoiler part needs to be highlighted in the text. I chose this way to prevent those who do not want to know anything of what is to know details that do not want to know. For all other
simply highlight text with the mouse between the two spoiler tags and can read it. Thanks Jos
Candy Bar Poster Sayings
As promised, here are the nerd! Read a bit 'here is amazing ...
Steve Jobs introduces the new iPod
"The seventh wonder of the world"
Now the iPod is much more like the iPhone and the new line of digital music players made today by Steve Jobs in San Francisco confirms all of Apple's ambitions.
innovations have been introduced in almost all models but the highlight is the new iPod touch, which uses the technology "touch screen" - with which you control the device only by pushing on the LCD screen - introduced in June with the iPhone. This new model is available in two versions - 8 and 16 gigabyte price of 299 and $ 399 respectively - and is also the first iPod that can connect to the Internet using wireless technology. It includes the Safari browser, search engines Google and Yahoo and application Apple Youtube, which you can watch movies directly to the main video site in the world.
program iTunes to buy music from the Internet is also included, and now you can buy songs directly from your iPod, any time you are in the presence of a wi-fi Internet connection. "The iPod touch is the seventh wonder of the world," Jobs said.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Extremely Funny Wedding Invitation Wording
that I could dedicate to you my first post on your blog! Yes, yes it's me, do not be surprised, you were so excited about your blog that I was often to browse and when I saw that friends had decided to continue writing in your memory, I could not help but ask to join the team even I! And you'll find that I'll dig out and publish nerd!
course there would be millions of things I want to write but I do not even want to be depressing. So do not worry, just because I chose "zavorrina" as a name. I chose it because I'm sure fermamante and I think that our journey together is not finished here. It would be unfair and would not make any sense. You're there, you feel close and I know that from now on you will lead me and all the people you care for the roads of life and shows us the direction to be chosen from the vantage point from which we now observe. I'm ready for this trip, ready to follow you wherever you feel is right port. Only one request: If possible, it is a peaceful journey and brings a little happiness.
I hear the roar of the bike. I hug her again and again to you. Down with the visor. I'm ready: go!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Georgia Laws About Pocket Bikes
Hello Guys ...
rocket launchers arrived, for now I'm home Nerdix but I can sort of take them and distribute them.
It seems to me to be 4 ... who had taken them? A Nerd with money were in place, including customs clearance?
Let me know!
Friday, August 24, 2007
Tweety Bird Bommer Jacket
I took the duties of administrator of the blog to keep him alive, there will be new people and new ideas.
Nerdix's blog continues!
you soon!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Best Gun Cleaning Kits Reviews

I think David is right now up there among the stars to quench his thirst for knowledge and occasionally turned to the little blue ball called Earth to ask him a look of admiration, thinking back to all its beauties.
Nerd Goodbye, I'll miss you!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Momentum Conservation Fireworks
I expected ... I wanted someone else to greet you first, someone who had shared with you a lot more than I can ... I have done as told by jos I will also avoid adding other than sadness and melancholy that already lives within each of us after that bloody Saturday ... I want to remember with a picture, taken solely on the Sunday before the August 4 ... I Zimmah supersucchia a day and you ... as you called them ...
You'll always be with me, with us ... and I, Jos, Zimmah Kneok and will keep the promise we made on Monday after the incident will bring ... on this thy creature .. OUR BLOG ... of which he was proud ... we are proud of ... you said you loved us all, because in a few days we had made your creature alive ... well, we will continue to do so in memory of your name.
Nerdix Hello ...
Joby Talbot The Kiss Piano Sheet Music
Friday, August 3, 2007
Teck 15 Paintball Gun
There were rumors going around ... seemed just rumors, but now we have evidence that it's all true! The greeting
motorcyclists has changed ... bye, then, the V formed by Tito and the average index to greet the rider just crossed and watch this video as we do from now on!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
How Long Can You Live With Thyroid Cancer?
Finally all ... the waiting ... and after a long wait, here are the photos of Bix, and Zimmah Nerdix, veterans of the safe driving course for motorcycles, which was attended last Sunday.
A busy day started early (early for me loooong ... like 5:30 in the morning time when I started running to reach the Autogrill di Rivoli at 7.30 am, where I found my two companions of adventure) and ended waaay late ... after 19.
A day to remember, at least for us ... a course, in my view, very useful for me to discover what it means to ride ... and most importantly, what it's like riding a bike.
After an hour of theoretical part followed in the classroom, we passed the practical tests in the morning ... on trial bikes (SPETTACOLOOOOOOOOOOOO!!) And afternoon riding our two-wheeler (Suzuki GSR 600 for me, KAWASAKI Z -1000 to Zimmah, HONDA HORNET 600 per Nerdix).
curves, bends, braking, turn in the racetrack, a little 'juice of the day .. lots and lots of hard work under a dazzling sun, but so much satisfaction at the end of the day to have learned a great deal unknown about how to drive, the direction of driving, especially on safety ... but how the hell do you even finish the rubber on the sides! :)
look at the photos taken by Bix
View photos taken by Nerdix
Best 3ccd Hd Camcorder 2009

The hairy man of the world is a candidate
Glad he calls himself "King Kong" , is called Yu Zhenhuan, China's three decades of professional singer who has a curious record: it is the hairy man of the world. Precisely for this reason and because the Olympics are a nice showcase, would part in the show and have asked the organizers of the Beijing 2008 can apply for the role of torchbearer. Zhenhuan has 96% of the body covered with hair.
An ambitious project to Yu Zhenhuan even though the Beijing Organizing Committee 2008 not so enthusiastic. "We are pleased that celebrities want to carry the torch, but it is also difficult to quantify given that all possibilities can apply" . So says a spokesman for the Bogoc but preferred to remain anonymous, not even talking about secrets that can disrupt the life of the country.
Besides talking about hair that proudly displays Zhenhuan and not ashamed of nothing. Indeed, his resume is quite a record for a diploma recognized in 2002 by the Guinness Book of World Records . 41 hairs per square centimeter for the famous Chinese singer who has already raised his voice. "The Olympics belong to everyone, for ordinary people and those with abnormalities. I am a celebrity in China and abroad, also the way that living with this situation is perfectly suited to the Olympic spirit" . In short, he wants to bring the famous torch. A project advertising, pure Olympic spirit , this is not given to know, but the story is doing "noise" in China and King Kong , This is his nickname, has also found support illustrem to Xing Aowei , aginnastica Olympic gold in Sydney in 2000. "In him I see the perseverance and courage of the Chinese people, I will support its initiative to publicly and give him some advice."
Olympic Committee has opened the selections in June. Should be employed about 21,880 people within 130 days and part of the torch bearers will be chosen directly by the institutions and organizations.
Chia How Long To Soak

Now is the Cold War. The boy has sharp teeth and stung the phenomenon, 'Snubbing' the complaints of Valentino and closing the door on the controversy that considers at least untimely. "Earlier this year - Casey Stoner explains with the air of the leader - all the drivers have endorsed the new tire rules. Then they just started to lose, those same rules have become a disgusting .
What had not even a shadow of awe, had cleared the first round of the first race. Casey Stoner is an entirely different dough than the rest of the competition, present and past, the 'Doctor' to Tavullia. Not a look of defiance were too dominant, but neither is uncertainty or the eyes that seek the earth when it passes the Phenomenon of the paddock. A mental strength as a veteran, hidden behind the beardless face of those who still remember word for word to the boiling hormones of puberty. Valentino has never experienced opponents, with his desire to have fun and win wonderful, has never looked with envy on others, not by him. Even this time, with that awful boy flying in the top of the world, the words of the seven times world champion should not sound like a revenge or a desire to belittle the merits of the newcomer, but it is also understandable that Stoner did not appreciate the off-season controversy regulations.
"Earlier this year - attacks the Ducati rider - , All concerned had agreed on new rules on tires. Then, as soon as someone began to lose, those same rules sucked . "The plural? Sibylline Stuff by diplomats, who has a goal and uses a form of papier mache because other Squarcina the veil and read properly." Even I made some bad races this year, particularly in Germany - Stoner continues - but I have not complained about the tire regulations. They can complain all they want, but it shows that the Michelin had advantages in the past, but now I can propose a good race tire . "A stab at Rossi, Pesaro worthy of the centaur. The thing that amazes further is that the Australian has found an ally unsuspected, that Jeremy Burgess that Valentino is the closest co-worker. "The rules on tires are not the main reason why Rossi does not win - the team boss admits Yamaha Italian -. And I like the Regulation, is the same for everyone and should be com ' is . Surrounded, in short. But Valentino is already thinking about the next birth, the nth revenge.
Heat Pump Troubleshooting

The Chinese are a bit ' launched on the new material as poo panda . Certainly always some who feel that many gadgets for the 2008 Beijing Olympics will be made with this particular raw material.
The news comes from China Daily, which interviewed Jing Shimin, a researcher on provicia panda of Sichuan (South-west China). These objects will be free from unpleasant odors because they are composed of 70 percent from the remains of the bamboo that the pandas are unable to digest, and the whole thing though is sterilized at a temperature of three hundred degrees.gadgets are likely to be made frames, bookmarks, and statues, all depicting the same panda. Commendable initiative in light of money laundering, certain that if someone exclaimed "Olympics of shit", everything takes on a new meaning ...