Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Buying A Car With Out Of State Driver License

Hello girls
I searched on the net your blog after a mutual friend told me about it smugly on the train returning from an exhausting trip.
I'm glad you opened this discussion space because now I am convinced that in Italy there is a need to talk again a woman! But the real
feminism, one that analyzes and addresses all material obstacles that women are faced with in all the places they are performing their social functions.
I'm tired of the dichotomy: Fashion-savvy women-little-bitch-eat-man VS women stupid-slut-pussy-
I'm tired of being told "thou hast ah balls!" After a good political speech as if it were a natural compliment!

The media company has succeeded in creating this rift between the world of women whom the body perceives it in a "side and latoB likely" and those who feel otherwise, not separated from the rest of herself. Those who view it as a medium, which made available to others, lets get to the top of the social ladder, those who perceive it as that part of yourself that allows you to express your essence, your thoughts, your gestures, your passions, your emotions by deciding with whom you share and how.

Yet I am convinced that there is still a process of self-consciousness of women, which, starting from a joint analysis on how to perceive themselves lead to a more detailed analysis on how the woman must be seen
• the world of work ( an analysis of the flexibility of working time that a woman can not result in instability, 2 analysis on the work-family dilemma for women) in politics •
(dilemma shares rose etc. ..)

The world we live in. is still formed the requirements and ways of looking at men, so for a woman is difficult and tiring to emerge, we must change those paradigms and those needs.
Sorry for the long e-mail, almost a relief, but these issues really excited and I hope I can see us one evening and discuss it face to face, I would be very productive!! A big kiss


PS I am attaching a speech that I wrote on my blog some time ago when the article came out in the Financial Times and sparked a virtual discussion with a lot of my friends also do not politicized but also very passionate about their topics! !

appeal to intelligent women of this country!

ponder ponder .... a guy at the university were allowed to tell me that women should have 30 to choose the right shirt the day of the exam, I laughed at him, then during the session, I found that some 'of my colleagues actually seemed to have not chosen at random t-shirt, then I read with interest the article in the Financial Times on Italian women, entitled "The land that feminism forgot"

Hypothesis: if the model of women serving this country is actually Canalis with her legs wide open, if young girls aspire to that, success in mind, if two degrees and a master's degree is worth less than the lower back

Thesis: nn that will suck in general information, the media like other scepters of power in this country are in the hands of horny men, male, scared by the fact that women able to make everything fit perfectly, from work to family, even if it means more tired of them?

I think the problem is not solved with the dilemma, we propose in talk show, "if a woman Intelligent women should or should not be " where there are people who confuse feminism with antifemminilità or wanting to" masculinization "(you can tell?) woman.

A woman must be female as a man wants to be macho and does everything to be !

The problem is to change the perception that there is in Italy for years that certain patterns are associated with male figures. Let me explain: the politician, the businessman, the head of the Armed Forces, the union Fiom, engineer, economist, all of whom are in Italy and imagine in a suit and tie "with attributes" so it seems ABSURD imagine it with heels and a skirt, when in fact there is nothing special visa that assumes that those who arrive at certain levels to reach the merits and not because of his attributes!

girls do not Famo 'nfinocchià (like say in Rome!), Comes here to win a bit' I appeal to the territories of future engineers, doctors, lawyers, advertising, sociologists, academics, political economists and of course I appeal to intelligent women and women at the same time ... I know that fortunately there are many!

Elena Monticelli, 20, student, woman


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