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Steve Jobs introduces the new iPod
"The seventh wonder of the world"
Now the iPod is much more like the iPhone and the new line of digital music players made today by Steve Jobs in San Francisco confirms all of Apple's ambitions.
innovations have been introduced in almost all models but the highlight is the new iPod touch, which uses the technology "touch screen" - with which you control the device only by pushing on the LCD screen - introduced in June with the iPhone. This new model is available in two versions - 8 and 16 gigabyte price of 299 and $ 399 respectively - and is also the first iPod that can connect to the Internet using wireless technology. It includes the Safari browser, search engines Google and Yahoo and application Apple Youtube, which you can watch movies directly to the main video site in the world.
program iTunes to buy music from the Internet is also included, and now you can buy songs directly from your iPod, any time you are in the presence of a wi-fi Internet connection. "The iPod touch is the seventh wonder of the world," Jobs said.
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