The hairy man of the world is a candidate
Glad he calls himself "King Kong" , is called Yu Zhenhuan, China's three decades of professional singer who has a curious record: it is the hairy man of the world. Precisely for this reason and because the Olympics are a nice showcase, would part in the show and have asked the organizers of the Beijing 2008 can apply for the role of torchbearer. Zhenhuan has 96% of the body covered with hair.
An ambitious project to Yu Zhenhuan even though the Beijing Organizing Committee 2008 not so enthusiastic. "We are pleased that celebrities want to carry the torch, but it is also difficult to quantify given that all possibilities can apply" . So says a spokesman for the Bogoc but preferred to remain anonymous, not even talking about secrets that can disrupt the life of the country.
Besides talking about hair that proudly displays Zhenhuan and not ashamed of nothing. Indeed, his resume is quite a record for a diploma recognized in 2002 by the Guinness Book of World Records . 41 hairs per square centimeter for the famous Chinese singer who has already raised his voice. "The Olympics belong to everyone, for ordinary people and those with abnormalities. I am a celebrity in China and abroad, also the way that living with this situation is perfectly suited to the Olympic spirit" . In short, he wants to bring the famous torch. A project advertising, pure Olympic spirit , this is not given to know, but the story is doing "noise" in China and King Kong , This is his nickname, has also found support illustrem to Xing Aowei , aginnastica Olympic gold in Sydney in 2000. "In him I see the perseverance and courage of the Chinese people, I will support its initiative to publicly and give him some advice."
Olympic Committee has opened the selections in June. Should be employed about 21,880 people within 130 days and part of the torch bearers will be chosen directly by the institutions and organizations.
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