Monday, October 29, 2007

What Is The Best Low Glycemic Cold Cereal?



Dear friends,

is an urgent need to organize as soon as a national demonstration against violence women.

The lives of many girls and many women continue to be broken, their intellectual abilities and emotional brutally compromised. Feminicide for 'love' for fathers, boyfriends or former husbands is a disgrace without end that continues to pass as individual deviance. The theme continues to be treated by the media as pure news, endorsing the view that this is something inevitable, as we watch helplessly as a serious setback culture, reinforced by an unprecedented commodification of women's bodies.

numbers, we all know, are impressive:

- More than 14 million Italian women were the object of physical, sexual and psychological violence in their lives.

- Most of this violence come from the partners (as 69.7% of rapes) or from the family

- More than 94% have never been reported. Only in 24.8% of cases the violence was by a stranger, while the average age of the victims

- A million and 400 thousand has been raped before the age of 16.

- Only 18.2% of women consider the violence in the family a 'crime', while 44% the judges simply 'something wrong' and as much as 36% just 'something happened'. (Istat)

Violence against women is historically and socially accepted. Is imposed without distinction of age, color or status and is the worst crime against humanity. What a party against the other. The policies and institutions on the other hand continue to ignore the issue publicly.

Without a cultural battle to defeat once and for all patriarchy and sexism, you can not activate a new pact of coexistence between men and women who would benefit both the word civilization.

A great national event where all women can get back on the square next to the women victims of violence and women's rights, can and must state the central theme of the cultural and political debate.

But it is important to know how many we are, because for many of us feel we should be.

Please sign and spread as much as possible by forwarding this appeal, the site link to friends and associates.

Please follow the updates on the site.

Greetings to all

To support the appeal go to the link appello.html and fill out the form!


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