Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Is Acne Wash Supposed To Burn?

Ogame ... a memory to bring in ... Two

I was here I was leafing a bit 'file in my computer and here the name of one of these strike me and suddenly I come back two years, maybe something + ... yes, the file was my farewell to Ogame ... the image above will help you remember, that will help people for a year and have spent some sleepless nights to follow the fleet save, attacks, Falanga ... (good times and ....)... Among these people were you nerdix, as always ... I, you, and Zimmah jos ... the cornerstones of seamonkeys ... so why not take a dip into the past to remember those moments!

BIX The player sends the following message circular
Straliani Dear, I'm sorry
give another blow to the morale of the alliance, but unfortunately the holidays have brought consiglio.Come said Jeko good friend, a companion of many battles, the beautiful game is short ... and now is one year that are behind ogame. I'm sorry but I have not had the time before, I can not afford + sleepless nights waiting for a fleet or to check that the phalanx is frutti.Ormai bring her a few months ago that I can not attack anyone now I'm living only for .. and not very fleet divertente.In + add the period of the slack that has affected many straliani, the abandonment of many, almost all who had shared with me the experience of the birth and growth of sea monkeys, revenue alliances in the top100 before the merger with stralis .. and the omelet is fatta.Al are currently on holiday and I think it will go out, but never say mai.ManterrĂ² live account, and who knows, maybe I will be back in a few months I just have the desire healthy, well, the first greeting goes to those who have been part of the sea monkeys and continuing the journey in valorosomente stralis.Un heartfelt thanks to Bepposo, Zlatan QPDM and with whom we completed the merger of the important 2 Stralis alliances that made it great. A reminder to the fighters Zimmer, co-founder of SMFC, Jos, minister of war and nerdix, engineering technology and telecommunications ... and greetings to you all ... you stay straliani fight valiantly and brought up the name stralis.Un of thanks to Alain for all the efforts to keep the alliance together and Jeko for all the attempted attacks in pairs almost never managed (eheheheh) ... but when I could have done damage!

Colonel BIX leave the command. My kingdom has come to an end; that nexusbiciolandia and all its colonies can live forever in the memory of their founder.

soon valiant fighters.

Colonel BIX.


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