I think in a more or less near future, will identify two more productive ways, the first easy-to-consumer wine grape-related, but without a proper invoice a true identity of the area. Another way is destined to all those wines with the bottle and its contents, they offer a precise production history, more or less historical.
This time I will not talk about us and our positioning in these two streets, I leave to each his own thought, what I want is to see what could be the future of this Oltrepò Pavese in two opportunities.
The first is very simple, the wineries are quite capable of producing vintage wines corrected, large-scale distribution is the engine that consumes millions of bottles of that product, then the work is reliable.
Pena great competition with a myriad of other similar wines from around the world will be a real battle of prices, low added value.
The second is much more complicated and difficult to implement, the positive side is that the Oltrepò Pavese has a productive history of secular real, important and critical mass in terms of numbers, this is a very strong base on which to rest our projects future.
For future projects, you are not upset only by inventing new things, for projects intended to define the production in a very clear and rational compared to the same territory Oltrepò Pavese, some products, certainly the most historic and deeply rooted, will be Our flags our opportunities to follow the second path, one that leads to an added value, for a hedonistic position on world markets.
Above I wrote that I talked about our position today, I will say that the Olrepò Pavese for this writer is located exactly between these two roads. We're like in limbo, now more than ever it becomes necessary to decide. You can not just immediately take the second street, it will still be our ultimate goal, to achieve this will inevitably follow in the first part, but very well from the second amended and divided, so that does not have to devalue the important work and valuable consideration production and communication of project real hills.
Inside or out, we decide whether to remain grape producers. Point. Otherwise, as I expect, we sneak a good dress and present ourselves to the consumer world, with all the credentials to be considered as we deserve, as our ancient history recited. Good
the second!
Each copy of the newsletter will be available at: http://oltrepostyle.blogspot.com .
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