Saturday, September 19, 2009

Average Starter Replacement Cost

Prices of grapes: how to read, to determine, develop them

Prices of grapes: a topic of great interest and at the same time difficult to approach. Let's try together to understand a little more.

Abstract:'s got a very important market, the stock sales, which determines the inventory of wine cellars. Needless to say, if they are empty they will address the market with very different emphasis, by failing to dispose of stocks: the quantity available and demand determine the price.

said that, quality aside, there are two conditions that determine the prices of grapes: the first is the direct sales market. To simplify how it works: the grower sell their grapes to a trader who follows a market trend, generally agree on a price that can fluctuate a few Euros depending on the area of \u200b\u200borigin of the grapes, their state of maturation and health. When the sales volume tends to decrease the grapes retire without setting a specific price, in this case, the grower is in the sad situation of having to make do, to stop at the threshold of "survival."

another instance, members confer to wine cooperatives: a world unto itself, fully outside the speech by the wine growers selling grapes to third parties. In practice, the winemaker makes wine grapes in its center (wine growers) with those of other shareholders, following the chain processing and offers for sale the wines as well as any private cellar which produces and processes. The price of grapes is determined by how and how much wine you will be able to sell. Payment of deposit is made with grapes in the spring, the sale of the first new wine, and the balance comes in the autumn after the sale of the remainder of production. Prices vary depending on consumption and the value of what is on the market.

The name.
The name of the wine provides the consumer about the origin and quality of the wine: There are no rules and parameters to be respected to the letter. Its vocation is to improve and to make interesting and visually appealing wines and, consequently, the grapes of a particular area.
All names, while complying with strict standards of law, are not equally effective: the goal is to raise and support the wines on the world markets but some of us are more successful than others. It is true that a term is clear and is even more ambitious request, then louder.
Just to make me name names Barolo, Barbaresco, Valpolicella, Champagne, Brunello, and so on. The name
strong can impose itself on the consumer, in other words, the whole chain that buys: the professionals who buy retail for daily consumption.
Our name as it now allows us to appear on shelves of big retail chains (large-scale distribution) with a medium-low, to be very competitive with all the wines that are not to lose market value. The competition results in high and low sales, which have implications on the prices of grapes, which saw the placement of the wines - as efforts are made to keep it up - remains well below the standards that Oltrepò Pavese deserve.
To fly you need to produce a wine of the region. " Today we've got it and it's called Cruas: a business card only to us, offering us the opportunity to grow a hedonistic production capable of generating added value for the area.
The path to the finish line will be more or less depending on how long takes to be compact: the better we will present in terms of absolute quality and perceived product, the faster the path that will lead us gradually to much higher revenue.
At each event, event and talk shows of the Classic Method rosé wine must Cruas, our collective mark. The history and the hectares are from ours: the rose, by us, not the fruit of alchemy and mixtures, but the result of very natural squeezing of Pinot Noir, to support this project, there are 15 million trees overlooking our Pinot Noir hills.

Between dream and reality.
Let me dream. Today, with 3 000 hectares of vineyards we have a potential of 40 million bottles sold at an average price of € 7. We are counting on a turnover of EUR 280 million. The Oltrepò Pavese could hypothetically get to put in place for Cruas the force of 3 000 companies: the average surface area of \u200b\u200b1 hectare would be productive for a company with an annual turnover of € 93 000. Not to mention that some production areas have a value much higher than projected.
No, no dreams ...

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