Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Watery Mucus Before Period

Ripartiamo by love of country

The patriotism has for some time given way to other, more dynamic and contemporary as xenophilia and globalization.
would be very interesting to be able to be more aware and proud of our country and its productions, live our region, our region and are proud to belong, to feel holder and ambassador of all the positives, the productions that have the same expression.
The goal is to dedicate great consideration to get the true feeling towards the land, cultures and traditions, managing to convey a very honest and natural.
The added value of an area also goes for the consideration and respect of itself, it becomes important because we believe quality products that deliver, if we will all be convinced of this, it will be much easier to send out our belief .
Aperitif or at the table, take turns in our lexicon production areas most popular and linked to current fashion.
reverse the trend, Cruas is our starting point, distinguishes us and makes us a clear and attractive with our 3,000 hectares of vineyards in production in a natural way we deliver an important basis and hedonistic to aim high, in high because, as says the illustrious Professor Peppino Fogliani "think big for the small vertical drop to get there."
It is necessary to commit ourselves to maintain our cultivated green hill, dust off the pride of accompanying friends and acquaintances to roads and towns stagnated over time, the best local show, dine in restaurants that retain traditional menu and local wines. The world is hungry for consumer situations related to the tradition that good, that our region has been shown to express, if we all believe, wine production and led all the energy for food production will be brought back into the land of production and not importation.
"What drink? ... a Cruas. " Let's start from there.

Paul Mason

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Normal To Have Cm Day Before Your Period

images Viniplus 2010

Posted by Ais Lombardia.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

How Many Words In The Word Wonderland

Guide and consortia, we count the Name at the palace

Today I bring to your attention a very timely topic: the guides of the wine. I intend to focus, however, primarily attributable to the responsibilities in this regard Consortium.
October was the month of the guides (or almost all are presented in this time of year). On average we each read the threads about winning, almost-winning, reviewed and excluded. How were the guides?
vegono The wine tasting held in late spring or early summer, some guides will taste wines at their places of belonging, others in the Consortium. In the first case, the consortium staff takes care of collecting the wines and ship them to their destination, the second is activated by extending all possible help to the professionals who are dedicated to the tasting.
In both cases, the Consortium works to explain to the officers that the territory has made progess in the last year. The traguaro is, of course, obtain the largest number of companies reviewed and excellence highlighted.
But we should not go further. The Consortium will never get that chair in the merits of the choice of a company instead of the other. Is clear that the Consortium over these decisions is absolutely third, as it should be.
's ambition to be recognized and good to walk alongside others is the reason behind our choices, that enables us to use all the methods (legal) to get higher and higher.
We hope to be happy with the reviews and guides the work the Consortium has in place are not the only eight companies awarded with excellence.
For us, the company is one, is called Oltrepò Pavese, and is made from 13 thousand hectares of vineyards and just under 3 thousand companies, production and more and more certain.
The goal, which I share, is to improve the quality of our land position by obtaining the space between our views on the best national production. This trail guides are in a position, but not too enfatizziamola give weight to the judgments they deserve.

Paul Mason

Monday, November 2, 2009

Hand With Nerve Damage 28 Years

Cruas Pirelli

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Dropped Nintendo Ds In Tub

From Microsoft, PowerPivot

Microsoft finally announced the trading name of Gemini (What is Gemini? we talked about it here): PowerPivot .

So here is the web site: http://www.powerpivot.com/ for insights and advances continue to be available on the blog: http://blogs.msdn.com/gemini/

What PowerPivot ? It 'an add-on to Microsoft Office Excel 2010 that, according to a statement from Microsoft (we have not yet managed to prove it), will integrate and manage millions of lines "in memory" with outstanding performance.

For now nothing new compared to what is already stated earlier this year. It is also not yet defined PowerPivot the date when it becomes available. Certainly the features seem to be going in the right direction. New comments on this blog as soon as we will try the solution.

Updated 17 / 1 / 2010
PowerPivot is now available .

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Supercharger Joyner Hp

Guide 2010, the wine of Oltrepò grows

Guides 2010 testify to the fact that our production area grows. According to the tasters are most convincing in terms of quality. C'inorgoglisce have been awarded wines that symbolize our local projects.
express my great satisfaction and pleasure at the excellent, but still dutiful compliments to all the wines reviewed. It must be the spur to continue the path of producing well, with the conditions of the greats, as well as our country deserves.
guides, every year at this time, triggering a competition between producers, chefs, hoteliers and others. Rintengo welcome this opportunity to measure, to chase the quality of products, to offer them in their best clothes. All this has certainly contributed to the research and knowledge of food and wine culture. On this wave so many producers have reached in a few years, important qualitative results, in line with the best systems worldwide.
By contrast, those who are not successful in, who is ranked below his expectations, I would say not to rend his clothes but to give these results Tasting the weight they deserve. The factors related to excellence are manifold: it is very difficult to find a place on the top step of the ranking. This does not mean we give up, even suggest as much as possible to increase the commitment to produce best. It is necessary to continually improve to stay in line with the most good: in so doing to give credit to our production area, which is ample evidence that, if called upon, responds very well.
Bases are the intentions are gradually materializing. The street entrance is the right one, follow it to the fullest.

Paul Mason

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Kates Playground 2009 Movies

Cruas: etymology of a new trend

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Odorless Interior Paint

Youtube Video: Targit

Segnalo 3 new videos related to business intelligence solution Targit .
A good introduction for non-specialists the work, the logic of business intelligence analytical (not planning).

Thursday, October 8, 2009

What Does Gerard Way Write In Himself?

Cognos Business Intelligence Express, a solution fast (and cheap) to reach SMEs

reports directly from the IBM press (14 September 2009) a description of the new product Cognos Express :

"an all-in-one business intelligence and planning solution specifically designed and priced for midsized clients. Deployed in just a matter of hours, the new solution offers clients a low-cost and low-risk , integrated approach to planning, analyzing and reporting performance , Identifying trends, and helping businesses make smarter business Ultimately Decisions "

we are testing the new solution proposed by IBM to assess the differences with the Cognos solution "standard" and the product TM1, which is also an alternative proposal, also IBM, but lower cost compared to Cognos for business intelligence and planning.

entered in this blog the result of further information as soon as completed.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Real Life Examples Of Supplementary Angles

Dear producers, participate more

Dear colleagues,
Sunday, October 4 as part of the food and wine exhibition "Autumn Pavese Doc", the Chamber of Commerce of Pavia on the occasion of the 50th of approaching the Consortium has organized a major conference on the new wine producing areas that the WTO has adopted. The conference is
yarn full of arguments: Hammers Assoenologi always very thorough in presenting data and methods, to cite the historical memories of our beloved Professor Fogliani, even the good arguments of the speakers and Daffonchio Barberis, dynamic and accurate representative of the Lombardy Region. In the room there were
institutions and agencies, representatives Consortia of Franciacorta and Valtellina, journalists and professionals, but, alas, few producers Oltrepo.
I am well aware of the hardships that the recent harvest has prompted, in spite of this a little more goodwill would have been appreciated by all those who have done their utmost to organize this important conference.
I hope that in future we can count on your involvement moral and material, this in order to represent an important specific weight in front of institutions and agencies, to whom we ask so much in every way. Follow
work directly avoids any doubt that, inevitably, will arise. I ask you not to be in the frustrating position of having to ask continuously and then, sometimes, failure to arrive at accurate information by word of mouth. Follow
work puts us in the opportunity of expressing thoughts and any questions, to be a leader in the world of title rather than his subjects unaware. Sorry
the outside
Paul Mason

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Why Is It So Hard To Find Good Anime

57 ° Fall Pavese DOC wine of the catwalk Oltrepò

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Kates Playground 2009 Movie

Identity Zone

I think in a more or less near future, will identify two more productive ways, the first easy-to-consumer wine grape-related, but without a proper invoice a true identity of the area. Another way is destined to all those wines with the bottle and its contents, they offer a precise production history, more or less historical.
This time I will not talk about us and our positioning in these two streets, I leave to each his own thought, what I want is to see what could be the future of this Oltrepò Pavese in two opportunities.
The first is very simple, the wineries are quite capable of producing vintage wines corrected, large-scale distribution is the engine that consumes millions of bottles of that product, then the work is reliable.
Pena great competition with a myriad of other similar wines from around the world will be a real battle of prices, low added value.
The second is much more complicated and difficult to implement, the positive side is that the Oltrepò Pavese has a productive history of secular real, important and critical mass in terms of numbers, this is a very strong base on which to rest our projects future.
For future projects, you are not upset only by inventing new things, for projects intended to define the production in a very clear and rational compared to the same territory Oltrepò Pavese, some products, certainly the most historic and deeply rooted, will be Our flags our opportunities to follow the second path, one that leads to an added value, for a hedonistic position on world markets.
Above I wrote that I talked about our position today, I will say that the Olrepò Pavese for this writer is located exactly between these two roads. We're like in limbo, now more than ever it becomes necessary to decide. You can not just immediately take the second street, it will still be our ultimate goal, to achieve this will inevitably follow in the first part, but very well from the second amended and divided, so that does not have to devalue the important work and valuable consideration production and communication of project real hills.
Inside or out, we decide whether to remain grape producers. Point. Otherwise, as I expect, we sneak a good dress and present ourselves to the consumer world, with all the credentials to be considered as we deserve, as our ancient history recited. Good
the second!

Each copy of the newsletter will be available at: http://oltrepostyle.blogspot.com .
For your comments you can write an email to: @ ufficio.stampa vinoltrepo.it .

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Average Starter Replacement Cost

Prices of grapes: how to read, to determine, develop them

Prices of grapes: a topic of great interest and at the same time difficult to approach. Let's try together to understand a little more.

Abstract:'s got a very important market, the stock sales, which determines the inventory of wine cellars. Needless to say, if they are empty they will address the market with very different emphasis, by failing to dispose of stocks: the quantity available and demand determine the price.

said that, quality aside, there are two conditions that determine the prices of grapes: the first is the direct sales market. To simplify how it works: the grower sell their grapes to a trader who follows a market trend, generally agree on a price that can fluctuate a few Euros depending on the area of \u200b\u200borigin of the grapes, their state of maturation and health. When the sales volume tends to decrease the grapes retire without setting a specific price, in this case, the grower is in the sad situation of having to make do, to stop at the threshold of "survival."

another instance, members confer to wine cooperatives: a world unto itself, fully outside the speech by the wine growers selling grapes to third parties. In practice, the winemaker makes wine grapes in its center (wine growers) with those of other shareholders, following the chain processing and offers for sale the wines as well as any private cellar which produces and processes. The price of grapes is determined by how and how much wine you will be able to sell. Payment of deposit is made with grapes in the spring, the sale of the first new wine, and the balance comes in the autumn after the sale of the remainder of production. Prices vary depending on consumption and the value of what is on the market.

The name.
The name of the wine provides the consumer about the origin and quality of the wine: There are no rules and parameters to be respected to the letter. Its vocation is to improve and to make interesting and visually appealing wines and, consequently, the grapes of a particular area.
All names, while complying with strict standards of law, are not equally effective: the goal is to raise and support the wines on the world markets but some of us are more successful than others. It is true that a term is clear and is even more ambitious request, then louder.
Just to make me name names Barolo, Barbaresco, Valpolicella, Champagne, Brunello, and so on. The name
strong can impose itself on the consumer, in other words, the whole chain that buys: the professionals who buy retail for daily consumption.
Our name as it now allows us to appear on shelves of big retail chains (large-scale distribution) with a medium-low, to be very competitive with all the wines that are not to lose market value. The competition results in high and low sales, which have implications on the prices of grapes, which saw the placement of the wines - as efforts are made to keep it up - remains well below the standards that Oltrepò Pavese deserve.
To fly you need to produce a wine of the region. " Today we've got it and it's called Cruas: a business card only to us, offering us the opportunity to grow a hedonistic production capable of generating added value for the area.
The path to the finish line will be more or less depending on how long takes to be compact: the better we will present in terms of absolute quality and perceived product, the faster the path that will lead us gradually to much higher revenue.
At each event, event and talk shows of the Classic Method rosé wine must Cruas, our collective mark. The history and the hectares are from ours: the rose, by us, not the fruit of alchemy and mixtures, but the result of very natural squeezing of Pinot Noir, to support this project, there are 15 million trees overlooking our Pinot Noir hills.

Between dream and reality.
Let me dream. Today, with 3 000 hectares of vineyards we have a potential of 40 million bottles sold at an average price of € 7. We are counting on a turnover of EUR 280 million. The Oltrepò Pavese could hypothetically get to put in place for Cruas the force of 3 000 companies: the average surface area of \u200b\u200b1 hectare would be productive for a company with an annual turnover of € 93 000. Not to mention that some production areas have a value much higher than projected.
No, no dreams ...

Each copy of the newsletter will be available at: http://oltrepostyle.blogspot.com .
you for your comments write an email to: @ ufficio.stampa vinoltrepo.it .

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Doeshair Plus Shampoo Work

Harvest 2009: born "Oltrepò Style," Paul Mason's blog

Dear friends, long
know my propensity to talk today about the wave, start a new adventure. Stimulated in this way by the staff of the Consortium, I chose to talk with you and with the "enonauts" of the Web through a weekly newsletter in which to place information, advertisements, as well as call and response that otherwise would not have a way to reach out to all with the immediacy that the Internet allows. A move to ensure more transparency and involvement. I will always
more important to meet and discuss, in our Oltrepò, animated by the desire to build compact and proceed in the same direction. We need everyone to do (and say) of their own, motivated by the desire to elevate the only name that remains our guiding star.
Big projects ahead, since the launch of the collective mark Cruas (Metodo Classico DOCG course rosé from Pinot Noir), show that our kingdom is no longer the old church towers and small gardens. Something is changing, indeed, has already changed.
Our production area has ancient origins, history and hedonistic wine has important roots. This conjures up the image area of extraordinary people, hard workers, producers who have left a tangible sign of their passage. We must take this historical-cultural heritage, still unknown to most, and it perceived the market, which in some ways we still relegates the boundaries of a truism that certainly does not deserve.
The formula, in my opinion, is to believe more in ourselves and work together for a joint project by the hedonic value important: it is the only way to give our world manufacturing value added that it deserves.
Each week we will offer some ideas to start and gradually build an effective dialogue and engaging.

Each copy of the newsletter will be available at: http://oltrepostyle.blogspot.com .
For your comments you can write an email to: @ ufficio.stampa vinoltrepo.it .

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Does Soda Cause Stomach Cramping


Stumble this post I see a lot of fun and instructive.
We talk about usability of business applications.
Very interesting comments below.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Car Sound System Blueprints

Goodbye Yahoo, welcome Bing

Another sensational news, this time from the front Microsoft. Not closely related to the BI but in any case of significance in the global competitive landscape.

Yahoo, which was early in synonymous with Internet search engine , like today for many is Google going to give up its search technology to embrace the one developed by Microsoft: BING.

BING is the new Microsoft search engine weblog, we've got to try and that, especially in the English language version , more complete, it is very attractive to functionality and ergonomics of use. Remains some concern on our part in terms of equivalence indexing of pages and relevance, but we have not had the opportunity to explore beyond a certain extent. Certainly, the general reactions were generally positive.

now, and the announcement was made by a communication Joint Microsoft and Yahoo, and reported in this article in the Sun 24 hours, Microsoft will BING from Yahoo that the engine used for searches. In exchange, Yahoo will get the exclusive online advertising revenues for both companies. The agreement will be valid for 10 years .

the anti-google is so done.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tt1250 Planet Audio Price

IBM to Buy SAP BusinessObjects SPSS

The news is fresh, published today on IBM's site . For a value of $ 1.2 billion IBM has finally reached an agreement for the 'acquisition of SPSS . The acquisition is expected to improve by the year , got the green light by the shareholders.

SPSS with SAS are the only two existing technologies to be included Gartner in the Leaders Quadrant in the Magic for the Data Mining .

The deal follows the one that led last year's acquisition of another major player: COGNOS , according to Gartner, leaders in terms of technology Business Intelligence and Performance Management .

This is not the last a the grease series in the last two years has seen the transformation of the business intelligence market: they are basically disappeared from the market the most important player "pure" BI, through the acquisition part of ERP vendors or large systems integrators (include reference to one of the most sensational or the recent acquisition by SAP of Business Objects).

What technology will be the next to fall independent of the network? We accept bets.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

How To Record Poptropica Gameplay

Explorer: BI for everyone

E 'come on the market the first product from the integration of technologies and SAP BO.
The objectives of this new product, code-named 'North Star', are to allow all users to explore and analyze huge amounts of data in seconds and in a way Self-service .

Here are some details of the product from statements of Alberto Bastianon (Full Interview ), responsible for area pre-sales of SAP products.

What is it?

"First is a solution that relies on technology to support any existing data. If a customer has to say Sap that can take advantage of the famous 'cubes', if you can use BusinessObjects Data Universe. But it is also a big user of Excel spreadsheets can take advantage of SAP BO Explorer. What, in fact, does this new product is to draw data from any repository or data warehouse ".


" Li indexes. Not only that, makes it possible for them, sorting and displaying according to the intelligent business logic of the end user. In other words, in an extremely easy to be the engine that is built to acquire data from the fields in a database or a spreadsheet. He indexed them with the definitions used in the normal life of the manager in jargon common in the market. For example, the sales item, you know, is a total sales of different dealers and stores across the country. And sales should be compared with past trends and variances from the budget. "

Before we leave a little comment 'time to see the product ( test with your data) and to see a first response market.

SAP BusinessObjects Explorer Demo

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Beautiful Christian Sympathy Card

measures calculated in Excel 2007: here's how PerformancePoint

Excel 2007 (and its instrument of pivoting) is a great tool for analyzing and visualizing data, especially when used in conjunction with an infrastructure based on Microsoft SQL Server / Analysis Services.

However, historically, the main shortcoming of this approach as' the impossibility to build calculated measures. For example, how can I just find the difference between two measurements if someone has already provided the difference between the available measures in the cube that I'm viewing?

PTPower is a solution (free) to solve this problem.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Are Scorpio And Cancer Compatible?

: Microsoft makes available the source code

part of a broader strategy to encourage partners to adopt and evolve the framework Microsoft for Economic and Financial Planning , previously marketed as PerformancePoint and currently available to 'internal SharePoint, Microsoft announced that it has made available the source code of the component Financial Planner.

"This is unsupported source code That customers and partners can use to support or change PerformancePoint Server Planning Functionality . Derived object code files can be distributed to end users with Microsoft SharePoint Server Enterprise Client Access Licenses. "

Here the direct reference to Microsoft release and instructions on how to get the source code.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Writing A Retirements Announcement

Politecnico di Milano, via the work of BI 2009

via the activities of the School of Management of Politecnico di Milano for the 'Business Centre Intelligence 2009 (in its second edition).

The official page of the observatory is as follows:

The 2009 edition of Business Intelligence Research Centre is built with the support of Accenture, Microsoft , QlikView, SAP-Business Objects , SAS , Bisight , Decisyon , iconsulting , Nous Informatica, SpA Pride.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Wedding Dress Mount&blade

Targit Italy debut

announced the opening of the Italian branch of Targit , s dedicated to tangle of channel partners . For further details, and the official press release, directly from the site here Targit Italy.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Low Hemoglobin Hematocrit Levels

Microstrategy 9, the software becomes free

Microstrategy, historical "pure player" of the BI decided to make free its suite of reporting with perpetual licenses valid for up to 100 users .

If the offer is of interest to companies with limited budgets, certainly a move of this kind, however, is subject to "competitive FUD" (fear, uncertainty, dubt) is a move so aggressive as to arouse the suspicion that was necessary for an extreme difficulty to stay competitive in the market. On this line of thought the comment Intelligence Enterprise.

For more information (or if you wish, make the download the suite), is the dedicated page: "Microstrategy - Free Reporting Software" .

Monday, April 20, 2009

Dslr Bag With Tripod Holder

QlikView Business Intelligence brings Iphone How

Following the examples of Business Intelligence offered by Microsoft for its Surface (see here to post one of our concerns), from April 16, also Business Intelligence proposed by QlikTech becomes multitouch, thanks to a free downloadable software for the device AppleStore Iphone .
The news is reported by several Italian magazines (eg DataManager ) and foreign (eg ZDNet ). Here the press release directly from QlikTech, here some examples .

Monday, April 6, 2009

Hocky Skates San Diego

manage SharePoint the progress of the budget

Segnalo an interesting post (technical) from PerformancePoint Blog (published by the group of developers PerformancePoint) viability index of this product until some time ago proposed as a solution BPM independent, and now integrated into SharePoint , to support the processes of budgeting and consolidation.

In essence this is a technical solution suitable to publish and manage SharePoint, Microsoft's portal, the state of progress a process of budgeting.

the original post, here .

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Appalachian Trail Knifes

HP explores Android operating system for PC

is not an issue closely related to BI, but it is of considerable interest as it could mark a break in the current market Operating systems are , currently dominated by Microsoft .

Source AFP, HP would be exploring the potential of the Android operating system , designed for mobile phones to traditional devices, or PC .

quote, Merlene Somsak, a spokeswoman for HP, confirmed the news, saying that HP is natural to explore the possible implications of an usage Android on non-mobile systems, however, declined any detail about how or when HP computer with a system Android could eventually become available. "We decline to Talk About Products That May Be Underway. "

the full story (in English), here.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Cervical Mucus 1 Week Before Period

Bisight is the first partner for the Italian market Targit

signed today between the partnerhip Targit and Bisight , addressed to the Italian market. Of Targit we already discussed in a previous post.

The solution is designed to enhance Microsoft multidimensional data architectures, and it possesses its interesting features and extremely easy to use, in particular the implementation of dashboard, analysis and report .

addition there are modules "plug & play" that can be used directly in the presence of such NAV ERP , AIX, GP or SAP Business One .

Communication, here, hosted by bisight. The site
Targit, here.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Limbert Furniture Value

Demos from Microsoft BI Conference Gemini

We already mentioned in an earlier post the next developments anticipated by Microsoft Business Intelligence area, and we refer in particular to projects that fall under the code name Madison and Gemini .

The conference held yesterday in Segrate, focused on the strategic road-map , essentially confirmed the mission BI For The Masses "and the commitment to an important and continuing on the platform SQLserver , Analysis Services, SharePoint and Excel.

In particular, Office 14 (scheduled for release late this year or early next) is planning to introduce an in-memory technology extremely powerful, able to combine information from systems different , analyze real-time, publish everything on a corporate portal ... and behind the scenes, invisible to the power-user turn, the new technology is going to create an Analysis Services project that at a later stage can 'be re-structured in classic mode.

This combines the robustness of "stack" SQL Server - Analysis Services - Excel with total flexibility given to you "power" also starting to build self reporting data from previously untreated and formalized in the company.

The demo of use that we report here (from the blog- www.enterprise dashboard.com ) shows Excel 14 Gemini in action locally analyzing data sheets with 20 million of rows. The demo found in the ' last part of the video (10 minutes), the previous section illustrates the strategy Microsoft BI area and still offers an interesting Carello vision and application examples with current technology. The last 10 minutes are obviously those most 'interesting and technological advance.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Travel Trailer Party Theme

still declining (but less than expected) willingness to invest in technology

published the latest report IFFIT ( here full report from IFIIT Research). Here is the summary proposed by the same IFITT Research.

"Still down Ifiit, which lies just over 65 points , the minimum level never touched India (born in the spring of 2007). N has, however, occurred on the feared collapse the value recorded in the previous month (66.30). The trend shows a bedding, sign of a prevailing climate of caution and wait , although still dominates pessimism among most of the operators.

"began to show some the failure of the automation industry Industrial , influenced by the drop in orders and turnover of the manufacturing industries in late 2008 and early 2009.

"In light declining sectors of telecommunications and biotechnology , although overall both confirm a significant attention to innovative investments.

"In sharp increase in demand for IT solutions dedicated to the safety of payment systems and commercial transactions .

He accentuates the negative phase for the textile, engineering and luxury in general. Challenged the automotive industry, where they expect the effects of incentives introduced by the government.

" Stable and high willingness to invest in the energy sector .

"It slows down the digital divide between the perception of the Italian system and other advanced countries.

" the persisting weakness of public administration and business while the industry 's housing exhibits a reduction in expectations for the purchase of technology for the next few months.

"Stable and positive willingness to invest in regions like Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna and Puglia . In decided retreat investment in the South, in Triveneto and Piedmont.