A bit 'of everything ..... I also I prepare for Christmas and as always, every year I enjoy Christmas projects to teach, who loves to decorate the house with propia original objects and especially hand-painted!
Here are the girls at the end of the course which was held at the store in Green Fuorigrotta Na, we had fun and we painted a beautiful ball with the colors for glass and porcelain Enamels,
Bravissimo :-))
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I'm waiting Saturday, December 4, with the course Decoration Christmas Ball at The Cartareccia * * This painting will be applied on glass or plexiglass with the colors Enamels, for reservations call 06 52351018 06 52351018 begin_of_the_skype_
I the December 16, all teachers OSCI will meet at the headquarters of Italy for a One Stroke Video Chat with Donna Dewberry , in during holidays Christmas
Chamatemi the number 348 4345801
Hello Friends ;-)
348 4345801 begin_of_the_skype_highlig
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