Friday, December 31, 2010

Who Sang Do You Want Somebody To Love

* Happy New Year Happy New Year

Who newborn
who is half way, to those who wait

those who can not wait for those impatient with those who live lives
who does not hope more,
children, child

who has never been,
who did not,
to those who have much,
who is creative
for people wanting to become one,
in my life who has passed
even for a moment giving me

a smile or a tear,
who loved me, whom I loved
who hates me,
who knows me,
those who do not know ...
to those who simply wish LIVES

a year of dreams, desires, love and creativity
a year to live
in Allegria.
Marzia * * * Enzo Skizzo

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Biology Labs And Answers


To those who feel lonely
who has joy in my heart,
for people wanting to be loved
who would like to donate,
who failed to
for people wanting to fly .

Who is at war
who feels
peace to those who suffer in silence
to those who can forgive.

Those who have no eyes to see
to those who listen.
Who has a wonderful family
who is far from his home to those who have
of Friends
to others who would like to be loved.
Who is poor
to anyone looking for a home
to live this Christmas
To you to me ...
to U.S.!


The Gift more beautiful than nature could give us a Christmas this morning when we wake
Our orchid has bloomed Katleya :-)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Coupons Outlets At Anthem

courses pre-Christmas

Greetings to all students who frequently participate in all my classes,
this is the sphere that we painted in the last few days before Christmas, with the colors Enamels, who all loved from the start!

Cartareccia * Acilia Rm
Liber Art * Na Palma Campania
Gift Idea * Pomigliano Na
Green * In Fuorigrotta Na

A big hug to all, see you soon ;-)!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Milena Velba Race Track


Nails Academy Basic Course One Stroke 3 days, with certification by ceritificate Donna Dewberry Anti-forgery hologram, KIT didactic, brush kit, kit colors, lavapennelli pan, brush holder ... CRAZY PRICE € 400 NET!
GREAT PROMOTION only for those registering before and no later than December 30, 2010

... This course is for those who want to learn to paint in an easy and fast with the ORIGINAL One Stroke technique applied on the nails. Advanced Micro One Stroke for the specialty of the art on your nails. The course will be conducted by Director of Education and Master of One-Stroke Italy SUM OF U.S. MARZIA creator of One Stroke Certification Italian Nails Academy and recognized by Donna Dewberry in America.
Training lasts three days with certification .... Minimum number of participants
With the study and application of strokes, from the simple to the most complex, you'll learn how to paint floral subjects and many do not.
At the end of each day there will be an application on the Tips of all subjects studied.

Duration of Course:
- 3 days
- Hours from 9:30 to 13:00 and from 14:30 to 16:30

Minimum Requirements: None The course is open to all

What you need: the 'student must bring
Tips You work and do practical exercise on: Educational cards - Tips

Professor: Marco Di Somma Director and Master Elite One Stroke Italy - U.S.

In the course of One Stroke Academy Nails are explained and practiced only in the design and decoration techniques, are not taught the techniques of reconstruction and lengthening nail.

This other work instead, you will be taught in OPTIONS ;-)
Hello everyone, see you soon with pictures of course!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Funny Comic Book Wedding Quotes

Christmas and New Design, all painted with the strictly technical One Stroke * * The original and copyrighted!
Meet My Squad

Above the landscape presented to the Meeting Graztuito One Stroke Nails Academy can caters to the center of nails Rusty Nails Pavona "rm"
is the Calla, a complex but effective single flower
Composition with Christmas roses
soon ; -) !

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Can Copytodvd Copy Blu Ray

A bit 'of everything .....

I also I prepare for Christmas and as always, every year I enjoy Christmas projects to teach, who loves to decorate the house with propia original objects and especially hand-painted!
Here are the girls at the end of the course which was held at the store in Green Fuorigrotta Na, we had fun and we painted a beautiful ball with the colors for glass and porcelain Enamels,
Bravissimo :-))

******************************************** ***************

I'm waiting Saturday, December 4, with the course Decoration Christmas Ball at The Cartareccia * * This painting will be applied on glass or plexiglass with the colors Enamels, for reservations call 06 52351018 06 52351018 begin_of_the_skype_

I the December 16, all teachers OSCI will meet at the headquarters of Italy for a One Stroke Video Chat with Donna Dewberry , in during holidays Christmas
Chamatemi the number 348 4345801

Hello Friends ;-)

348 4345801 begin_of_the_skype_highlig