Thursday, May 13, 2010

Steps Onhow To Prepare A Test

Cruas Meeting, Gianni Zonin launches challenge: "We register the mark in the world now "

May 12 at the Castello di San Gaudenzio is played on partecipatissimo Cruas the First Meeting of the Consorzio Tutela Vini hills. Sparkling wine Oltrepò Pavese, technicians, journalists and wine authorities and national comparison on the new frontier Oltrepo enology.


From left: the Provincial Councillor for Agriculture, Mario Anselmi, president of the Chamber of Commerce, James De Ghislanzoni, the Director General of Agriculture of Regione Lombardia, Paolo Baccolo, the chairman of the Consortium, Paul Mason, the Ascovilo president, Livio Cagnoni and Gianni Zonin, owner of Zonin Group (owner of Tenuta Il Bosco di Zenevredo).

Read the record of the meeting on La Provincia Pavese ...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Why Is The Deck Of Cards Always In Trouble

tie consortium, now you change

Dear members,
as we have communicated by mail, the band approved by the Ministry is currently in use with the control plan has ceased its activities.
the control plan followed by Valoritalia, you must provide only the plot of bottling as happened before the clamp.
The natural path to follow, was to adopt the new ministerial collar, printed by the mint as was the case for DOCG. This path has not found positive opinions on the board of directors, which voted unanimously against the waiver for the reasons I will now explain:

1) Unlike other areas of production, the lives of a situation of Oltrepo designation of origin very complex and articulated, the possibility of release of these wines and is very wide, more than 40.

The new band includes a ministerial use very precise in terms of distribution and application suitability for each chamber, the bottom line would be a big management problem, especially for small companies, where there is no office in charge.

2) The cost of acquisition, including the adevisizzazione levitation of the same 3 times. This would be an extra weight to both producers, that the Consortium should anticipate the costs.

3) The control plan with the use of the lot filling themselves guarantee the guarantee of traceability and control of production flows.

4) Use of trade consortium.

In the future, as well as provide new production rules OP brand Consortium "Jolly" will be placed in the bottle in two modes chosen by the manufacturer:

1) by means of a clamp (the same format as the existing plan controls)

2) embossed (printed) on the head capsule; prior authorization of the consortium.

The use of the mark as I described above, will be required after final approval of production rules OP You will be duly informed and updated on time.
As written on the letter you received, the distribution of the CDT close ties approved by the Ministry of (existing). It will be possible for companies who consider it, the normal inventory. Producers
the Consortium members believe that the OP band important in clothing of the bottle, will immediately (30 days from now) to ask the band consortium, so as to give the consumer a continuity image. The band consortium will be managed (purchased and distributed) by the same CDT.
In this case, the Consortium OP wines is available to the entire denomination, members and non members for any questions and insights, so please use it, avoiding to rely on unofficial sources of information.

Paul Mason

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Types Of Church Services

dates (just) the willingness to invest in IT May

Ifiit dates from the index, which shifts from 65.40 points in the previous survey to the current 66.90. To grow the confidence entrepreneurs are mainly chains linked to the metalworking to textiles, all 'e and all' food.

Maintain a willingness to invest in innovation the general index above the average in the following areas: energy , credit , communications and transport .