Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Writing A Retirements Announcement

Politecnico di Milano, via the work of BI 2009

via the activities of the School of Management of Politecnico di Milano for the 'Business Centre Intelligence 2009 (in its second edition).

The official page of the observatory is as follows:

The 2009 edition of Business Intelligence Research Centre is built with the support of Accenture, Microsoft , QlikView, SAP-Business Objects , SAS , Bisight , Decisyon , iconsulting , Nous Informatica, SpA Pride.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Wedding Dress Mount&blade

Targit Italy debut

announced the opening of the Italian branch of Targit , s dedicated to tangle of channel partners . For further details, and the official press release, directly from the site here Targit Italy.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Low Hemoglobin Hematocrit Levels

Microstrategy 9, the software becomes free

Microstrategy, historical "pure player" of the BI decided to make free its suite of reporting with perpetual licenses valid for up to 100 users .

If the offer is of interest to companies with limited budgets, certainly a move of this kind, however, is subject to "competitive FUD" (fear, uncertainty, dubt) is a move so aggressive as to arouse the suspicion that was necessary for an extreme difficulty to stay competitive in the market. On this line of thought the comment Intelligence Enterprise.

For more information (or if you wish, make the download the suite), is the dedicated page: "Microstrategy - Free Reporting Software" .